Early Childhood
School of Special Education
Ritchotte, J., & Zaghlawan, H. Y. (2019). Coaching parents to use higher level questioning withtheir twice-exceptional children. Gifted Child Quarterly, 1-16. http://doi.org/10.1177/0016986218817042
Ritchotte, J. A., & Zaghlawan, H. Y., & Lee, C. W. (2017). Paving the path to engagement for high potential children. Parenting for High Potential, 6, 8-13.
Ostrosky, M. M., Santos, R. M., & Zaghlawan, H. Y (2017). Early Intervention and Early Childhood Education. In Shogran, K. A. & Wehmeyer, M. L. (Eds.), Research-based practices for educating students with intellectual disability. New York: Routledge.